
Hair products, lotions, potions, cosmetics can really put a dent in your wallet. We all want to look our best, but are there ways to invest in our appearance without breaking the bank? If you're looking for some free beauty tips read on – you'll be amazed at some of the things you probably already have in your kitchen that can really boost your beauty quotient.

Salon-quality shampoos and conditioners are expensive, and generally for good reason. They contain high quality ingredients and many are made from organic or natural plant sources. Cheaper brands are certainly an option, but some can dry your hair or strip your colour faster. Do you know you can actually make your own shampoo at home? You need to invest in some liquid castile soap, but other than that, you likely have the rest of the ingredients in your kitchen. A good basic recipe is: ¼ cup castile soap (unscented or choose your favourite scent), ¼ cup distilled water, and half a teaspoon of olive oil. Keep in a plastic bottle and shake before using. If you want to add essential oils, put a few drops in before use. Your hair will feel wonderfully light and soft.

A terrific homemade conditioning treatment is also easily whipped up at home. Scoop out a ripe avocado and add a small jar of real mayonnaise and mix them (use your hands!) until blended. Work it into your hair from root to tip, and cover your head with a shower cap. Putting a warm damp towel over the shower cap intensifies the conditioning. Leave on for about 20 minutes then rinse with warm water. Doing this once a week or so will nourish and strengthen your hair.

Applying honey or plain yogurt directly on your skin makes an excellent anti-bacterial face mask. Rinse gently with warm water and you won't believe how soft and supple your skin feels!

Speaking of water, here's the easiest free beauty tip of all: drink more of it! We all know we should, but it's easy to forget our 8 to 10 glasses a day. I know that it's been said lately that we don't actually need that much, but I really notice a difference when I'm drinking a lot of water. I feel so much better – probably because I'm not reaching for another cup of coffee when I have a glass of water in front of me all the time. Now that bottled water is passé I keep my stainless steel drinking bottle with me all the time. I refill it wherever I go and just having it there helps me remember to drink. I've found it reduces my desire to snack, as it is really filling. My skin feels and looks better, and it also really helps with bloating. Your body doesn't retain water if its getting lots of water, ironically. When you're feeling puffy drain a few glasses. You'll notice the difference.

I hope these free beauty tips help you save a bit of money without skimping on quality treatments for your hair and skin! Treat yourself to organic, natural products that you can easily make yourself, and you can control what goes in and on your body.


Source by Mae Alexander